Handicap Winner Based on Result
Winner Gwenda Williams, 3:56 inside her previous best
Runner-up Andrew Spencer, 2:25 inside his predicted time
WMA Winner Men Based on highest %
Winner Matt Kingston-Lee, 77.60% at Notts Half
Runner up Paul Davidson, 77.23% at Spalding
WMA Winner Women Based on highest %
Winner Catherine Payne, 76.35% at St Ives 10k
Runner up Abi Schofield, 71.19% at the Bedford Half
Best Newcomer Coaches choice
Winner: Rob Howbrook 3 races, percentage climbing will be over 70% next year
Runner up: Chris England PB every race
Biggest Improvement Coaches Choice
Winner: Paul Rushie Rushworth for beating an 11 year old PB in London
Runner Up: Scott Jones for a year of PB’s
Special mention: Holly Durham great times but we can’t tell if it is an improvement or if she was that good to start with!
Member of the year
Winner: Gerry Hyde
Runner up: Paul Rushworth
Voted for at the meeting by the members
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